Community Involvement in 2024

Community Involvement in 2024

In 2024, we proudly deepened our commitment to giving back to the Omaha community through meaningful initiatives that reflect our values of gratitude and accountability. This year marked our inaugural United Way Campaign, during which our team raised over $3,000 to support critical programs in our region, demonstrating a dedication to giving back and strengthening our community.

IRI employees also participated in direct service volunteering and donation drives to several area organizations. A few examples included: One World Baby Boutique Drive, assembling health care packages; Project Harmony, crafting fleece blankets for children; HETRA, helping clean and maintain the outdoor property, ensuring a welcoming space for their equine-assisted therapy programs.

The team’s contributions to the Kountze Food Pantry and Heart Ministry Center also helped fight food insecurity and support families in need.

In addition to these company-led efforts, our employees participate in various volunteer activities on their own time outside of the office. Many have taken the initiative to give back in ways that reflect their personal passions and values. You can find IRI employees in the community mentoring youth through TeamMates and Big Brothers Big Sisters to honoring veterans at the VA National Cemetery, and supporting education at Omaha Central High School. Others are building welcoming communities through organizations like Omaha Welcomes the Stranger and Urban Land Institute, or continuing their support for Project Harmony in additional ways.

Each effort, whether company-organized or individually driven, demonstrates the power of teamwork and reinforces our gratitude for the opportunity to give back. Our goal is to continue to work in and serve the Greater Omaha community to affect positive change for years to come.